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Links Across The Web (LATW)
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Here’s the thing, LATW (Links Across The Web) ONLY focuses on one thing…

Building Trafficwave Downlines - Period!

There are a lot of people using the Trafficwave Autoresponder Service and most of them are not building their downlines with Trafficwave. And many of the people that are building their downlines – struggle.

Many of the people that signed up for the Trafficwave Autoresponder Service did so because they need this tool in their business. So, a lot of people aren’t even looking at the income side of Trafficwave. This is the opportunity The LATW Team has jumped on! Helping Trafficwave users build their downlines to earn a passive, residual income!

Here are just some of the main reasons people choose to use the Trafficwave Autoresponder service in their business:

Reason/Benefit One
They are able to build an email list as big as they want and they are only charged a flat rate of $17.95 per month. Almost every other autoresponder service out there charges you more as your list grows. So, no matter how big your email list gets with Trafficwave, you can count on your cost staying the same.

Reason/Benefit Two
They can create an unlimited number of email campaigns. So, if you are promoting different offers – you can have customized email campaigns for each offer you have going out to your prospects. This allows you to send specific information to your subscribed prospects. Many autoresponder services have limits on the number of email campaigns you can have, not Trafficwave.

Reason/Benefit Three
They can create & send out as many emails as they want from each campaign. Many autoresponders put a limit on the number of emails you can have in each campaign. Trafficwave lets you put as many emails in each campaign as you want. This is an advantage because we know most sales are made down the road with your prospects. Being able to send out an unlimited number of these email communications allows you to stay in touch with your prospect for a long time. This creates that “Know, Like, & Trust” factor that allows you to get more sign-ups and/or more sales.

Reason/Benefit Four
They can create unlimited ad tracking links for each link that they are promoting. This is such a great advantage over many autoresponders, because many do not offer this feature. With Trafficwave you can track each link you’re advertising on the Internet. This allows you to keep stats on what advertising sources are giving you the best results.

Now, there are many more reasons/benefits for why people sign-up for Trafficwave’s Autoresponder service. The 4 reasons/benefits above are huge factors for why people sign-up, but this next reason is big for the LATW Team because we take advantage of the fact that people need an autoresponder in their business anyway.

This next reason/benefit is my favorite reason… They can build a downline that pays them, RESIDUALLY, to use a service they need in their business. It’s almost like having the option to get paid to have electricity in your home. You need it anyway, but you have the option to get paid from it just by referring others to use it too.

*To see more reasons/benefits Trafficwave offers click on the link below...

Building Downlines is where the LATW Team comes in...

Lloyd Cooper is the founder of the LATW Team - and he puts in the hard work of managing this team build everyday!

The LATW Team Guarantees to place "Paid Sign-ups" in your Trafficwave downline. Then, LATW guarantees to place "Paid Sign-ups" in each of those people’s downline, and this goes on and on. So, you get "PAID" Trafficwave sign-ups, giving you even more Downline Members, Fast-Start Bonuses and Leadership Bonuses. Your Trafficwave downline building is basically on auto-pilot at this point.

*To see how Trafficwave compensates you click on the link below...

Now, there is a requirement for all LATW Members to advertise and get 500 visits to their Team LATW link.

Here's the team link that was assigned to me...

The LATW Team Building Strategy is simple - we use 3 to 5 person teams! When you sign-up you get assigned to a team where you all will receive sign-ups from your team effort! It's really that simple. It works because you don't have a lengthy wait for sign-ups, like with most other team builds, so you can literally receive sign-ups the day you join. Now we can't guarantee you that will happen, but we can guarantee that you will have the same opportunity as your team members to receive sign-ups from ALL of your efforts!

Again, each LATW Team Member is only required to get 500 visits a week to their team link and as many as you want to your personal link. But, this is all pretty easy to do because at we show you how to get free traffic to your team link & personal link. This is the main reason why you see so many Team LATW advertisements. Our system is so simple and we show you how and where to do what we ALL are doing to advertise.

(TIP: You can use what you've learned to generate traffic for your other programs/offers!)

So, now you know what the LATW Team does and why we are so popular. The LATW Team gets results, because our team members get results!

Now that you know how everything works with LATW Team you have a pretty easy decision to make – Sign-up! Get your Trafficwave Autoresponder Service and start advertising your Team Link and your Personal Link. And, if you’re like I was – I already had a Trafficwave account, but I started a new Trafficwave account and I transferred everything over from my old Trafficwave account to my new one with Team LATW and let all of my subscribers know that I was getting a new account - you can do the same thing!

So, if you’re ready to get your Trafficwave Autoresponder Service or start up a new Trafficwave account, click on the banner advertisement below to get your Trafficwave account!

*Remember, sign-up as a "Paid" Trafficwave Member. We guarantee everyone that joins Trafficwave thru Team LATW receives Paid Members! You will also receive Paid Members too!

Click on the Banner below to sign-up...

When you are ready to sign-up go to this link first to register...

Then, go to this next page, scroll to the bottom and register with the Team LATW...

Then, just shoot me an email at or text my phone at 904.428.8040 - In the subject line of the email or text put... "Gerald, I just signed-up for Trafficwave with Team LATW!". This way I can make sure Lloyd has your details so that you can get set-up with your Team Link & Personal Link and instructions on what to do to start advertising!

If you still have questions, just use the contact information above.

I look forward to hearing from you either way.

To your success -

Gerald Walker Jr.
LATW Team Member

Site Owner: Gerald Walker Jr (
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