Welcome To Free Traffic Step Three!
Step Three - Text Your Way To Success

Welcome! As discussed in Step Two, today you will be introduced to text advertising. Not much to say about what text ads are. You have all seen the text ads that are displayed from Googleâ„¢ and probably you have clicked on many of them so you already know that text advertising is effective. Well, what made you click on those text ads? Let me guess: a) they were relevant to what you have been searching, b) they had a catchy header line and c) they had a good description. Now, don't think I am telling you to use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. I mean it's good, it works, but this course is about free traffic, remember?

The program that gets my highest recommendation regarding text advertising is TrafficAdBar. I have not seen many people promoting it and it makes me wonder why, because it constantly produces 1 to 2 opt-ins for every 100 clicks which is an excellent opt-in rate for free traffic. As you browse through TrafficAdBar's text ads you accumulate points and every three days your site boosts up one or more levels provided you have accumulated the necessary points. The highest the level the more your site will be seen. After a while you will be getting hundreds of daily visitors virtually on auto-pilot (I have been getting about 500 per day at the moment this course was written in April 2011). At this point you may have the following question: if I will be getting hundreds of daily visitors on auto-pilot and lots of other members also, who the heck will be clicking on my text ads? A lot of people will and you will also be clicking on other people's ads because everyone needs more traffic and everyone wants to rank to a higher level. Currently TrafficAdBar is among my overall top performers so click here or on the banner below to check it out. You 'll be glad you did.

Next we will move to a real GIANT called TrafficSwarm. TrafficSwarm has more than 1,100,000 (yes, one million hundred thousand) members and most people will tell you that TrafficSwarm is a traffic exchange, but since it is based on text ads I call it a text advertising program. TrafficSwarm has been constantly producing results for me for more than 5 years now with amazing opt-in and signup rates. Let me put it this way: if I want some quick signups I rush over to TrafficSwarm, put up some ads, surf and I know that within some hours signups will start coming in. Keep this in mind: with TrafficSwarm you will get results if you surf there every day. I couldn't survive online without sites like TrafficAdBar and TrafficSwarm. I could keep on writing about TrafficSwarm and its advantages, but I prefer to let you discover them yourself so click here or on the banner below to check it out. This would be a wise move.

The last text advertising site for today is LeadsLeap. This is also a very productive text advertising program that offers many ways to earn advertising. LeadsLeap is another example of a site that I don't see being actively promoted which is also a big mystery to me. Anyway, click here or on the banner below to check LeadsLeap out.

Well, let's call it a day. Tomorrow you will receive my e-mail message for Step Four. Thanks for reading!

Gerald Walker Jr.