PostAds2EarnCash Introduces...
Hey Fellow Marketer! My name is Gerald and I live in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. First, I want to thank you for visiting this website. I truly appreciate the time you have taken to come check this page out. I hope I can provide you with some helpful information that will grow your business!
Well, I've been a "Serious" Internet Marketer for about 5 years now and I've gone through a lot internet marketing related training and have joined quite a few business opportunities. During the last 5 years I have really invested a lot of time, energy, and money into developing myself into a better internet marketer - I guess you could include Network Marketer, Multi-Level Marketer, Affiliate Marketer, etc. To keep it consistent I'll just say internet marketer.
I don't want to go into any long stories to gradually get to the point I'm trying to make with this website, so I will jump right into it.
I recently started using Traffic Exchanges to add another advertising medium to my business. I personally thought it was a waste of time in the past because all that appeared to be happening, in my opinion, was a bunch of marketers were advertising to each other. However, I learned I was wrong. I discovered that I needed to start targeting the people who are most likely to buy stuff from me and join my businesses - other internet marketers. The people on traffic exchanges are other internet marketers! I just needed to figure out how to get these internet marketers to respond to my ads.
Well, fast-forward to January of 2014... I was going through the motions of surfing, clicking on ads to earn credits, and moving on to the next ad. I even had 5 tabs open for my other traffic exchanges to multi-surf the traffic exchanges I joined.
I started noticing something on all of these traffic exchanges I was surfing - I kept seeing the same ads for a particular biz opp. There were different variations, but the ads were promoting the same income opportunity. I mean it got to the point to where every other ad I viewed was an ad for this biz opp. Naturally, I became curious and decided to find out what was going on and why these ads were pretty much dominating the traffic exchanges (This is actually key to why building with a team versus going it alone is hands down the best way to go!).
I subscribed via the ad I was viewing and I was able to get information about what they were doing and how I could be a part of it. All of the ads were be promoted by a team, Team Atlantis, in the Trafficwave Autoresponder Service Biz Opp. I was really blown away by how simple their system was. But, the best part of it all was the communication that Didi Wargo, Team Atlantis Coordinator, keeps up with all of the members by email EVERYDAY. She literally updates all of the happenings within Team Atlantis - from new sign-ups, to members who graduate to Tidal Wave & Tsunami levels and so on. Didi & Team Atlantis have truly embraced the concept of "TEAM BUILDING".
In a nut shell, this is what's going on...
Everyone that signs-up with Trafficwave thru Team Atlantis is strategically placed in the downlines of other Team Atlantis members. Each new member gets a "Team Link" assigned to them. It is the same link everyone else has, but you're given a tracking link so that Didi can track the traffic results from YOUR efforts. Now, each Team Atlantis member is required to send, at least, 1000 visitors to their team link per week. This is very easy to do just by surfing the traffic exchanges that are recommended on the website.
Now, if you want to learn more details you can just go to the Team Atlantis link below. I just wanted to illustrate how (WE) Team Atlantis members are helping EACH other to build our downlines and we are literally doing it as a team. Everyone promotes the same team link! Everyone's efforts for advertising the team link benefits the whole team!
I decided from this point on that this was how I was going to build all of my businesses. So, that means me finding "Team Builds" similar to what Team Atlantis is doing or creating team builds to promote programs I'm involved in.
Update: I'm still a part of Team Atlantis, but working with a team that is a sub-team of Team Atlantis. Introducing Team LATW! They have a unique system of getting sign-ups. Learn more by visiting my link below!!!
Please note: Most of the links I include on this website are my affiliate links. I will earn some sort of commission if you decide to join and/or make a purchase. I am not recommending these services for the commissions alone, I am recommending them because I use them every single day in my business and know that they will help you in your business too.