Again, Thank You for your order. I want to personally welcome you to this unique income opportunity!

You now have the ability to offer people a way to make money with the Reseller side of this program and/or you can help them promote their current business to bring in more customers and more sales with the Classified Ad Posting System side of this program!

I can’t stress enough how simple this is. All you have to do is follow the steps below and just watch you bank account grow daily. It’s that easy.

Follow Steps 1 thru 3 Below...

1) Have the following items below before you go any further:

  • A PayPal and/or Google Wallet Account.

  • About 30 to 60 minutes a day to work (anytime between 6am-8pm or a time that fits your schedule).

  • Simple Computer skills (Cut, Copy, Paste, etc.)

2) Set up your own FREE website:

  • Go to www.yola.com

  • Sign up for a FREE Account.

  • Copy my website into your Yola.com account if you are "Techy" enough to put your own website together.

  • Note: to add your personal PayPal link to your site - Login to your PayPal account and find the "Create A Button" link. Click on "Buy Now Button" and follow the instructions to get the HTML code to copy and paste to your site. On your site, drag and drop the HTML symbol to the bottom of your text and copy the html code for your PayPal link there.

  • If you'd like to have us build your website for you it's only $20 bucks for that - you'll be up in 24 hours! The payment button is in "Section 4" in the main Members Area page.

3) Create your Gmail accounts & BackPage.com accounts:

  • Go to www.gmail.com.

  • Sign-up for at least 14 Gmail accounts (There is a minimum per phone number). You can create as many Gmail accounts as you want, but to get a hundred ads out a day all you need is 14.

  • Create 14 Backpage Accounts with those 14 Gmail addresses. (2 BackPage.com accounts for every day of the week)

  • Now you will post ads out of those accounts

Now it's time to start Posting Ads and Making Money!

The Classified "Image Ads" You Can Post


1 - How To Post HUNDREDS Of Ads On BackPage.com - No Software!
2 - How To Win The Advertising War On BackPage.com - No Software!
3 - I Can Show You How To Post Hundreds Of Ads On BackPage.com!
4 - Are You Winning The Ad War On BackPage.com? Learn How To Dominate BP!
5 - Are You Posting Ads On BackPage.com? Learn How To Dominate BP - No Software!
6 - Ready To DOMINATE BackPage? Our System Shows You How To Post Hundreds Of Ads!
7 - Learn Why You Should Be Posting Ads Daily On BackPage - Get ALL The Details!
8 - I'm Posting HUNDREDS Of Ads On BackPage.com DAILY! Learn How...
9 - Learn How To Post HUNDREDS Of Ads Following BackPage.com Rules!
10 - Are YOU Posting Ads Daily On BackPage.com? If Not, You're Losing Money!
11 - Are You Dominating BackPage? Post Hundreds Of Ads - I'll Show You How!
12 - Do You Post Ads On BackPage? Crank It Up & Post Hundreds Of Ads!
13 - Just Do What I'm Doing And Win the Daily Advertising Battles On BackPage!
14 - Frequency Is The Secret! Post Ads DAILY On BackPage And Win! Use My Simple System...
15 - Are You Posting Ads On BackPage.com? Learn How To Win The Ad Wars On BP!
16 - Get HUNDREDS Of Your Ads Posted On BackPage.com - No Software!
17 - You're In an Advertising War On BackPage.com - Learn How To Win!
18 - Get My System & Learn How To Post Hundreds Of Ads On BackPage.com!
19 - Are You Posting Ads On BackPage.com? Learn How To Get Results On BP!
20 - Learn How To CRUSH The Other BackPage Advertisers! >>>Click On This Ad<<<


Pocket Money.jpg Pocket Money.jpg
Size : 291.363 Kb
Type : jpg


City Skyline Ad.jpg City Skyline Ad.jpg
Size : 338.473 Kb
Type : jpg



Porsche On The Street Ad.jpg Porsche On The Street Ad.jpg
Size : 193.334 Kb
Type : jpg


Its Time To Make Money.jpg Its Time To Make Money.jpg
Size : 170.204 Kb
Type : jpg



Beach Inlet.jpg Beach Inlet.jpg
Size : 235.339 Kb
Type : jpg


Its A Numbers Game.jpg Its A Numbers Game.jpg
Size : 202.762 Kb
Type : jpg

I will be adding more and more image ads here that you can use!

The Classified "Text Ads" You Can Post

AD #1
HEADLINE: “Make up to $100 and More Daily”


If you can post 10 ads a day on BackPage, you can make at least $100 a day.
I have ads that have been making me a ton of money and you can start

posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time.

Please check out our website link below


AD #2
HEADLINE: “Work Just 60 Mins A Day and Make $50 or More”

Wow... you say... this can’t be true! Well it is. I’ve been doing this for some time now and I have been seeing my account increase everyday. I just can’t believe more people don’t do this!

To learn more and to get started today, click the link below.


AD #3
HEADLINE: “Need An Additional Income Stream Without Working A Part-time Job?”


No recruiting people, no placing phone calls, no email marketing, no products to stock. And it’s set up to pay you each and every day! If you’re tired of struggling and want to be proactive visit the link below today.


AD #4
HEADLINE: “Work Only 60 mins. A Day and Make $100 or More”


If you can post ads on backpage.com, you can make at least $100 a day.

I have several ads that have been making me a ton of money everyday and you can start posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time. It only takes about 20 to 30 mins a day!

Please check out our website link below


AD #5
HEADLINE: “Post Ads On BackPage and Make $100 or More”


I can show you how to post 100 ads a day on backpage.com and you can make at least $100 daily doing it.

I have several ads that have been making me a ton of money everyday and you can start posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time.

Please check out our website link below for more information on getting started.


AD #6
HEADLINE: “Need Another Check Coming In Without Working A Part-time Job?”


This is part-time work you can do from home. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection and our system.

You can actually get everything set-up and running today. After that all you do is spend about 30 to 60 mins every day placing ads – That’s it!

No recruiting people, no making phone calls, no email marketing, no products to stock. You get paid instantly each and every day! If you want to make a couple hundred dollars every day without a lot of red tape, then visit the link below today.


AD #7 (This ad is a personal experience. As soon as you start making money change the info. up and post this ad!)
HEADLINE: “Need To Start Making Some Extra Cash In A Couple Hours?”


I literally posted an ad in about 2 mins and 53 mins later I made a sale for $25 bucks! So, no one can tell me that this doesn’t work. I purchased the instructions and had everything set-up the same day.

This is part-time work you can do from home. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection and our systemt. That’s it!

No recruiting people, no making phone calls, no email marketing, no products to stock. You get paid instantly each and every day! If you want to make a couple hundred dollars every day without a lot of red tape, then visit the link below today.


AD #8
HEADLINE: “Need To Make $100 Or More A Day – With No Red Tape?”


I have paid hundreds and even thousands of dollars in different “Make Money From Home” opportunities. Who could of told me that the one opportunity that cost me less than a family night out at the movies would make me a ton of money!

This is part-time work you can do from home. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection and our system. That’s it!

No recruiting people, no making phone calls, no learning complicated marketing skills, no emailing anyone, no products to stock. You get paid instantly each and every day! If you want to make a couple hundred dollars every day without a lot of red tape, then visit the link below today.


AD #9
HEADLINE: “Tired Of Working Overtime For Extra Money?”


You can either work MORE hours at your job or in the same amount of time you’re probably given to take a break I can show you how to post ads on backpage.com and make a couple hundred bucks from 60 mins worth of work every day.

This is part-time work you can do from home. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection and our system. That’s it!

No recruiting people, no making phone calls, no learning complicated marketing skills, no emailing anyone, no products to stock. You get paid instantly each and every day! If you want to make a couple hundred dollars every day without a lot of red tape, then visit the link below today.


AD #10
HEADLINE: “60 Minutes A Day Is All You Need To Make $100 or More Daily”


I can show you a strategy to post 100 ads a day on backpage.com to make at least $100 bucks daily.

I have several ads that have been making me a ton of money everyday and you can start posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time. It takes 60 mins or less!

Check out our website link below for more information on getting started.


AD #11
HEADLINE: “If You Have 60 Minutes Available Everyday – You Can Make $100 or More Daily”


I can show you a strategy to post 100 ads a day on backpage.com to make at least $100 bucks daily.

I started off with 3 ads that are still making me a ton of money everyday and you can start posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time. It takes 60 mins or less!

Check out our website link below for more information on getting started.


AD #12
HEADLINE: “60 Mins A Day Is All You Need To Make $100 Bucks Or More Daily!”


I can show you a strategy to post 100 ads a day on backpage.com to make at least $100 bucks daily.

This very ad you are reading right now is one of many ads I post all over the country on backpage.com. If you can copy and paste – you can make money.

I started off with 3 ads that are still making me a ton of money everyday and you can start posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time. It only takes 60 mins or less!

Check out our website link below for more information on getting started.


AD #13

HEADLINE: “Working Just 30 Mins A Day You Make $100 Bucks Or More Daily!”


This is how my mornings go. When I get home in the morning (I work nights) I open my browser and go to backpage.com. I login to my account, open my document where I keep my ads and I paste them into the “Biz Opp” section to promote this opportunity – DONE!

It’s that easy and it takes me less than 30 mins.

I can show you a strategy to post 100 ads a day on backpage.com to make at least $100 bucks daily.

I started off with 3 ads that are still making me a ton of money everyday and you can start posting them too. It’s very simple and you can do it part-time. It only takes 30 mins or less!

Check out our website link below for more information on getting started.


1st Email after purchase

Subject: Your Purchase - Classified Ads Posting System!


Thanks for your order!

SAVE THIS EMAIL! This is the same email you will send to others who purchase this Ad Posting System from you.

Hurry over to the following site to access ALL of your downloads, instructions/training and other resources:


Bookmark this website and visit often. I will be putting more great information for you to continue to grow your business.

You also have rights to copy my website and resell this training if you want.

It's very easy to put your own website together and earn $25 commissions in advance every time you receive an order for the ad posting system! If you want us to put your website together you can put in a request to get your website built for you for only $20.00 bucks!

Look below for the instructions to get your website built.

Again, Congratulations on purchasing this awesome ad posting system and I hope you continue to learn and build your Online Empire!

If you need any assistance feel free to contact me by phone or email!





To build your website I need you to set-up a few things...

1) Go to www.Yola.com and set-up a free account. This is the service I use to build the websites and host them.(This is 100% FREE)

2) Choose the different payment methods you're going to use and let me know what they are. Having one payment form will work, but giving people different options to pay you is better. I use PayPal, Google Wallet and Cash/Money Order by Mail.

3) Provide me with the contact information you want on your website. At a minimum, I would recommend FULL NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS - having your Phone Number on the website will help you make more sales though!

That's it for now!

2nd Email after purchase

Subject: Your Purchase - Classified Ads Posting System!

Hello [Customer's Name],

I just wanted to make sure you received your instructions.

I'm sure you made this purchase to make money - now you need to take action. I know how easy it is to put things off or just forget to do it. I know... I've done it.

Just schedule about an hour out of your day today and go through the steps. Get everything set-up and then start placing your ads.

There are too many people who will purchase this system and not do one thing with it. 

The key here is to be consistent. Everyday at a certain time or times you should be placing ads.

So get started soon and call me if you need any assistance.

Take care.



Follow-up with your “New” customers as much as possible. Show them you care. Remember, they are your customers now and you can continue to sell them other products or services, but you have an advantage now – they have purchased from you before and are happy with their purchase. Buying from you again will not be too difficult of a decision to make for them now.

Good luck!