Getting Started & Earning Money From Home Using The Project Payday Referral Method

Before you start your training please watch video

Welcome to each one of you — we are here to help you get started and guide you through the process you need to know so that you can be online and making extra money from home as soon as possible with Project Payday.

This site is designed to get you familiarized and making money with Project Payday right away. To get the most out of this training site please review all the information on here, several times if that is what it takes.

Learn at your own pace and take your time. Go easy on yourself if you're new to Project Payday and don't get frustrated, okay?

Simply follow along with videos at work at your own pace. It is better to move slowly and get the basics down than to rush and get stressed. Listen, please believe us, we know this: the money will be made as you put into action the information on this page. First learn, then put into action what you learn, then perfect what you put into action.

A few things before you get started.

  • We recommend that you open two tabs. Open tab one so that you can follow along during each training video and then in tab two you will be doing the steps needed to get set up. Some of you may be a bit farther along in terms of working on the internet or making money on the internet. We have set up this training with the Project Payday beginner in mind.
  • In this Project Payday training you will find mostly FREE ways to start making money. If you are new to Project Payday this will interest you as we realize most of you want to be profitible and successful using Project Payday right away. However, we will also go over really nice low cost methods you can use to promote your referral link.

Okay, enough talk, let's go!


Activate your Project Payday account. Getting started with Project Payday is free but to get the free account you must activate on a regular desk top computer. Please complete this part of the process on a desktop. After you have activated your account you can work from your smart phone or tablet. The video below will instruct you on how to activate your account 100% free.

How to Activate Project Payday Free

Set up your Project Payday account for payment. This part is very easy! Follow along with us in the video below to get this done so you can move on to how to make money with Project Payday
Watch the video below. This video tutorial will give you the basic fundementals of how to use and get started with the Project Payday referral method, which is very specifically how you will be earning your money weekly with Project Payday.
Now that you know exactly how to make money with Project Payday for virtually free, you need to set up your landing page. We recommend that you get a paid domain with GoDaddy & we recommend that you do not set up your landing page on a free domain. However, if you do not want to spend the money on a personal domain, don't stress, because Project Payday has a free, built-in, landing page ready to go that comes with your account.