Dear Prosperity Seeker:

There is a HUGE demand in the work from home industry for something that is Simple & that Works. People are tired of "Flash in the Pan" biz opps, over-priced and low-quality products/services, complicated compensation plans, expensive marketing systems, etc.

This demand by people seeking to earn a Second Income places you in a very unique position to ethically profit from this demand!

People want something that can help them get the ball rolling towards earning a second income that can match or even surpass their current full-time income. Now, not everyone is unhappy with their jobs or careers though. Most people just want to earn extra money to get the extras in life. If they decide to quit their job that's their choice.

Here's why I've brought you to this website - I'd like to offer you a dealership in a new opportunity called the...

$30 Dollar Plan

So, what makes the $30 Dollar Plan so unique in the WFH industry?

For starters, your start-up cost is ONLY $10 (one-time), then just $30 dollars a month to earn commissions!


$20 covers a commission you pay from your purchase of mailing leads imprinted on your postcards (no need to purchase postcards separately). The other $10 covers the cost of printing + shipping.

The product in the $30 Dollar Plan are the Leads.

*Ask me what I'm doing with my leads that I get every month to earn even MORE money!

You just mail your postcards to promote your dealership and build your income!

The current cost of a postcard stamp is 34¢ - you'll save 30% off what others pay to mail out those expensive flyer programs - which require envelopes. We are mailing postcards so you pay NO EXTRA COSTS to make copies of advertisement flyers that must be folded, stuffed and sealed into envelopes - then, mailing lead labels and stamps are needed that YOU have to apply to all of those envelopes - Whew!

Your ONLY job with us is to get 100 postcard stamps every month, slap them on your 100 postcards and drop them in the mailbox - DONE!

Your dealership is completely private too. There is no need to expose your name and address. Postcards are imprinted with a mailing lead, your ID and the ID of the person who enrolled you. All you do is apply postcard stamps and drop in the mail.

Easy enough right? It’s Simple and it Works!

  • NO trying to figure how to get started on your own
  • NO chasing down friends and family
  • NO meetings or conference calls to attend and...
  • NO rejections
When new dealers enroll from your postcards, your ID is imprinted on THEIR postcards. As they enroll others, $20 commissions are forwarded to YOU! Your commissions are paid weekly in cash as they are received and mailed securely. Therefore, you do not need a bank account.

If 5 people enroll from your postcards (your 1st level) and they enroll 5 people each (your 2nd level) - you earn $500 per month (5 x 5 x $20). If 10 people enroll from your postcards and they enroll 10 people each - you earn $2,000 per month (10 x 10 x $20)! Can you imagine what could happen if you and everyone you enroll, mail postcards and enroll more than 10 people? Do the math yourself. The potential is staggering - all from a low requirement of ONLY $30 per month!

Plus, our company will mail invitations for YOU to help you enroll your first two dealers.

Furthermore, your commissions multiply when dealers on your 2nd level increase their monthly order. For example, you would earn $40 from an order of 200 postcards, $60 from an order of 300 postcards, etc. In a short time, this could build into a lucrative, residual flow of cash! Use your money to pay off bills, get out of debt, save for retirement, make a down payment on a house, pay the kids college tuition, etc. When you receive your commissions, a report is included with the name of each dealer and the amount of their order so you can verify your commissions.

To get started, follow the simple instructions on the postcard you received. Be sure YOUR correct name and address is on the front of the postcard before you return it.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard and to your future success with the $30 Dollar Plan!

Gerald Walker Jr.
904.428.8040 (Text/Call)


The $30 Dollar Plan is not a hobby or “get-rich-quick” scheme. It is a legitimate, direct-mail, marketing business - which requires a monthly investment of time, patience, and money. Everyone who enrolls from your postcards will need time to receive their Welcome Pack and mail their postcards so they can also enroll new Dealers. These new Dealers will need time to do the same. Due to the length of the doubling factor, you may not receive a substantial income for 6-9 months. Therefore, you must be willing to make a long-term commitment and NOT DROP OUT. Picture the following in which you and each Dealer you enroll, mail 100 postcards each month and enroll only 1 new Dealer per month:

12-Mo Downline Example

At the end of 12 months, you could have a downline of over 2000 dealers and receive $20 commissions from those on your 2nd level. You can only imagine how many you could have in the following months! The problem... most people get bored or discouraged and quit after 3 to 4 months. At 3 months, you only have 4 dealers in your downline and you’re not seeing a substantial return. After 6 months, you have only 32 dealers and you’re still not receiving a sizable return. But if you KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS, you know that in another 3 months (month 9), you could have 256 dealers in your downline. Now your commitment will REALLY begin to pay off! IN MONTHS 9 AND FOR MANY YEARS AFTER, YOUR INCOME COULD SKYROCKET!

YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT AS THE DOUBLING FACTOR BUILDS! If you and each dealer in your downline mail 100 postcards and enroll only 1 new dealer each month - your downline doubles every month and so will your income. THIS BASIC KNOWLEDGE ENSURES YOUR SUCCESS! DO NOT give up after only 3-4 months and don’t expect to enroll 100 people your first month. Most people fail because they simply give up and quit. They don’t realize how long it takes to build a profitable business. THE ONLY WAY NOT TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL IN THE 30 DOLLAR PLAN IS TO QUIT. The only way not be successful with this system is to not commit to mailing 100 postcards each month and enrolling at least 1 new dealer per month.